Wednesday, August 31, 2011

34th bday

Hubby surprised me with KA mixer. Early birthday gift from him, back from office on Saturday afternoon,August 9 2011, he came back and carry this heavy box..

Thank you darling, he knows I want this for sooo long. Well,actully I dont expect any gift for my birthday this year, as we just spent money to remodeled my kitchen. Last July my kitchen was brand new clean, and tidy :). And also I thought with baby later come we gonna need more for delivery cost etc, so for me to have a brand new kitchen as a gift too..
But my hubby thought different way, he knows I dont care if dont have Iphone or Blackberry though sometimes it comes to mind, but not so bothering me. He knows I love baking sooo much.

And not only me happy, Jasmita happy too.. She was so thrill while his father put the box on the counter top.. she knows mommy want this, as sometimes we are watching cooking program together, she knows its so nice to have it, as she does not need to hold the mixer while making the batter.. she always said just leave the ingredient and yaaa listo means ready in spanish.

First time used that mixer to knead empanada dough, she sat on the counter top, watching with amazed face how this mixer worked.

Thank you GOD for the bless you give to our family... Amen

Oh and, I drove to Panama on August 17th, to celebrated Indonesia Independence Day. Only with Jas, it was on Wednesday with my big tummy,we left colon from 11, reached panama 12..and first destination was Arrocha, as they given discount for accessories, so me and Jas enjoyed our time there, then had late lunch at Crepes waffle. I also invite Mini my friend, first I thought gonna enjoy lunch together at Chinese resto with MIni and Linda's family..but Mini still has to work and Linda also cooking and waiting for her kids to come from school.. so plan changed.. thought seems celebration only with jas only.. but sudden mini called and she could come to multiplaza if i wanna go there.. so multiplaza then..

AFter finished lunch, mini back to office while me and jas roaming the mall for a while and hunting other disc at other mall.. shops,shops and at 6.30pm I reached Alba hotel with other Indonesian ppl to celebrate Indonesia ID. And surprised me too at the end of dinner, they celebrated my birthday too.. too sweet..

I really enjoyed my bday. Thank you again GOD

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