Saturday, May 31, 2008

20 months

Si nakal 20 bulan tanggal 29 kemarin.
Udah gue kasih UHT aja deh sekarang, full UHT good bye SIMILAC. Gue suka enek kalau cium bau SImilac, jadi gue liat dia asik-asik aja minum UHT ya lanjut deh.

Udah ngarti kalau disuruh gaya tuk camera,mostly gayanya sih gini ya..
Ini foto lagi kita lunch di TGI Friday tgl 24 maren.

Diakan seneng sekali dengan balon,kebetulan dikasih balon pula kemarin, jadi tangannya sibuk aja pegang balon

Manja banget deh dia,kadang kesel deh maunya sama gue terus. Babenya dicuekin aja, lebih demin gangguin nyokapnya. Apalagi kalau gue lagi asik2 nongkrong dilaptop yang ada dia pasti gangguin gue,bikin marah.

Tapi tetep I love u dong bocahku

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mari menanam..

Akhirnya 3 tahun disini baru ketemu sama sereh.
Gue tanem aja deh, eh giliran udah nanem,lagi puter2 taman dibawah ternyata taman sini namem sereh juga. Well, kaga napa sih berhubung balkon gue kayaknya sepi banget jadi gue pasang 2 pot, satu tanam sereh, satu tanam cabai hijau mix dengan capsicum berhubung cabai hijau juga kadang susah banget.

Lumayan nih sudah 1 minggu sekarng sudah mulai tumbuh..

Foto ini pas baru mulai ditanam.

Yang satu serehnya langsung gue tanem, yang satu gue rendem air dulu.
Ternyata hasilnya, tidak berbeda kecepatan mereka bertunas hanya berbeda beberapa hari, dan sekarang tingginya sudah sama.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Jasmita-19 months

Time flies.

Jasmita is 19 going to 20 months.

She can say NONONOO loudly and waving her hand together with the words.
She does understand doing potty in the toilet, pipi since we returned from the trip
She doesnt ask milk anymore in the middle of the nite,sleep from 10 pm till 7am straight.
She walks properly in 15 months.
Her 1st and 2nd steps was when she was 11 going to 12 months while playing in my bed
She says yes by nodding her head
She says bye, hi , raining, turtle, tung-tung(means feel hurts),koala,guk guk(if she listen dog barking)
She can make a sound of lion, how she cry,how mama angry..
Put her hand on mouth if I asked her where is the....???Acts like upssss, and her eyes looking for the things..
She can flush after doing her business
Kalau kaget pukul2 dada
Bisa ngarti kalau kita suruh bicara pelan-pelan karena ada orang diluar dan dia gunakan bahasa isyarat telunjuk dimulut
Kalau dimarahin bisa complaint, meskipun sambil nangis..
Kalau berhitung selalu mulai dari TWO and TEN
Picky eater, she see only what´s mom offer and refuse it by saying nonooo and run..
If she thinks she likes what´s mom offers then she gonna say MAMAMMMM loudly
She´s trying to sing, while hearing a song from Barney fav.dvd
She doesnt like to sit on her cair, she prefer to carry her cair around,or play with it by putting on top of table,or put on her head.

She love to swim,
Remembering the sign language of bird,butterfly,mr moon,(this all from barney)
She does understand sleep (sign languange if my maid speak in spanish DORMIR means sleep,and she gonna act like putting her both hand close to ear and tilt her head)if she doesnt want then she gonna say no

She hugs mom & dad very nicely,she love her bee doll,sometimes she hug &kiss her
She does know eyes,ear,hand,fingers,belly button,hair,nose,mouth,teeth
She even brush her teeth though not proper yet, combing her hair
She acts washing her face, put the soap on her body
Trying to wear her earing by herself,shoes,well she´s imitating me too much
She acts spraying perfume to her cloth ( she can makes different how mom and dad sprays the perfume)
She likes to clean the table, helping me bringing spoon,fork,plate,glass to her father bfr dinner,and sometimes to my maid.Jasmita open the drawer where my maid keep her plate and take plate,glass spoon and give to her for lunch.

When she eats, she also offers to her dolls,bee, Barney, TV shows

Im thinking what else?...

Oya, dia sering bikin tatto dibaju dia, ditangan, dikaki...maksudnya coret-coret gituloh, sofa sudah kena, lemari sedikit..

ANd paling demen gangguin gue didapur...gue rasa semua anak gitu kali ya..

Quiz For chocolate lovers

Wowww super rite..

What Your Taste in Chocolate Says About You

You are sweet, mellow, and easily satisfied.

You don't like anything too intense and dramatic.

Deep down, you're a kid at heart... and you're nostalgic for the past.

You are down to earth and lovable.

A true friend, you're very tolerant and understanding.

In fact, your friends' biggest problem is that they don't like each other!

You love the feeling of accomplishment. You enjoy doing what's important.

You feel lost when you have to do frivolous tasks or hang out with shallow people.